Monday, July 9, 2012

Resources for Grief

I have worked in death, dying, grief, bereavement, and assorted other synonyms for death-related misery for over 15 years. And I don't find it depressing. And I don't look like a vampire.

People only come to me in person when their situation is truly dire which is unfortunate. The firefighter is more effective when the house is not consumed by flames. The hairdresser does better work when there aren't shaved patches from a drunken coiffure attempt to cover up. And I am much more helpful when you are on the far edge of the valley of the shadow of death peering in than when you have been trapped in one of the gullies for months and a flash flood is coming.

That said, here's a blog for you. You don't have to call me. You don't have to look me in the eyes and admit you are in trouble. You don't have to get out of your PJ's. You don't have to pay my fees. (Yet.)

The best way to navigate The Valley Holler is through the labels. They will help you to focus on your own personal concerns instead of looking through all my posts.

There will be many posts that are links to work I have done over the years on my other blog Auspicious Jots. That blog is more of a stream of consciousness, sometimes humorous, occasionally religious site. It is a bear to navigate so I hope this blog gets you what you need more easily.

Specific questions are always welcome and may come through the comments section. You are welcome to remain anonymous to the public even if you are known to me.

Finally, a word from my mentor in seminary Dr. Charles Brown: There's only one way out of the valley of the shadow of death (or loss) and that is through it.

What I've learned since being Dr. Brown's student is that it is much easier to navigate through that valley when there's someone at the other end hollering your name. I hope this blog calls to you.

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